ORNAMENTAL PLANT SELECTION (Sites With Woody and Herbaceous Plants Combined)
The Ohio State University Interactive Plant List (Ohio State University) http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu:90/interactive/ Click on one of the 9 different categories (trees, shrubs, ground covers, vines, annuals, perennials, bulbs, ornamental grasses and wildflowers) to search 3 ways (via Plant Facts, Plant Dictionary and Horticultural Description). Plant Facts provides an automatic search of Extension literature across the country for the specific plant species. Images of plants are found in the Plant Dictionary while Ohio written information is located in Horticultural Description. You can also use the link Return to Plant Dictionary to search by individual plants, category or plant feature on the Plants of Horticulture page (a database of 3,878 high quality images on over 600 ornamental plants).
Ornamental Plants plus Version 3.0 (Michigan State University) http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modzz/masterzz.html The online data base contains information about trees, shrubs, vines,ground covers, perennials, annuals, house plants, insects, diseases, cultural information and other topics. Plants hardy in Zone 6 or colder are the primary focus. Use the keyword search option or click on a letter to bring up a list of keywords that begin with that letter. For a complete list of the plants, use the keyword search option and type KEYWORDS.
Illinois Best Plants (Chicago Botanic Garden) http://bestplants.chicago-botanic.org/ This website provides information on woody plants and herbaceous perennials. Features include: 1) Plant Search - Enter criteria for the plants you want and receive a list of your matches. Find out about each plant --its characteristics, care, recommended cultivars and photographs. 2) Plant Index - Want to know which plants are recommended as the best? In the Plant Index, you'll find an alphabetical list of woody and herbaceous plants arranged by scientific name. Links take you to photographs and descriptions. 3) Glossary.
Landscape Plants - Images, Identification, and Information (Oregon State University) http://www.orst.edu/dept/ldplants/ This site contains a vast number of images and information on over 780 landscape plants listed in alphabetical order by genus, from Abelia to Zelkova. Most of the information covers woody plants but there are 75 herbaceous annuals or perennials.
PLANT: Plant Material Section (Purdue University) http://bluestem.hort.purdue.edu/plant/plant_material.html This is the Plant Material section of the PLANT (Purdue Landscape and Nursery Thesaurus) website. Links to more information are available on woody plants, herbaceous perennials, native plants, wildflowers and other categories.
Plant Fact Sheets (North Carolina State University) http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/ Search by common or scientific name in the following categories: trees, vines, perennials, bulbs, ornamental grasses, wildflowers and annual flowers. Basic information and photos are available.
WOODY PLANT SELECTION (Trees, Shrubs, Ground Covers and Vines)
Landscape Plants of the Upper Midwest (University of Wisconsin) http://www1.uwex.edu/ces/landscapeplants/ This interactive guide is specific to the upper Midwest United States (Hardiness zones 3, 4 and 5). It provides information on culture, ornamental value and landscape uses on more than 600 species and varieties common to the region with over 1800 color photos displaying flower, fruit, fall color and other ornamental features of the species and varieties. You can search by plant name or by using any combination of 42 characteristics including: size, light requirements, landscape application, fragrance, fall color, bark interest, habit, fruit, bloom time, flower color and growth rate. Also included are audio pronunciations of Latin names and simple animations of basic pruning techniques.
UConn Plant Database (University of Connecticut) http://www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/ Browse by Latin or common name or use the search feature to find information and photos on trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines. You can search by name, basic traits such as hardiness, ornamental traits, site characteristics and special qualities such as urban tolerance or deer resistance. Information on individual is available on habitat, habit, form, summer and autumn foliage, flowers, fruit, bark, culture, landscape use, liabilities, propagation, cultivars and identification features including many color photos. Also included are audio pronunciations of Latin names and tree identification keys.
Online Tree and Shrub Identification with Photos (University of Illinois) http://woodyplants.nres.uiuc.edu/ To view the images and information, first choose a genus and a species. Then the images and brief information will load on the specific tree or shrub. The information may include habit, size, color, texture, hardiness, and habitat. Photos may include the plant habit, leaves, buds, stems, flowers, fruit, fall color and bark. Cultural information may also be included.
Southern Trees (University of Florida) http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/trees/ You might think a web site on trees from Florida would not be useful to us in Indiana but that is not the case. Here are 680 Tree Fact Sheets in PDF format listed by Plant Family, Common Name, and Scientific Name. Check the given hardiness zone and adapted range map to make sure the tree is adapted to the area. Each tree has a very detailed list of information and line drawings.
Class Notes and Handouts from Michael A. Dirr (nobleplants.com) http://www.nobleplants.com/classnotes/classopening.htm Plant identification information as well as line drawings and color photos are available on woody plants in the following categories: Deciduous Trees & Shrubs, Gymnosperms, Vines, Flowering Trees & Shrubs and Broadleaf Evergreens. Other information is available in related links such as the Quercus (Oak) Identification Key.
Ohioline: Selection and Use of Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers (Ohio State University) http://ohioline.osu.edu/lines/trees.html#TSG_4 Here is a list of recently revised (2001-2002) publications that are available on broadleaf evergreens, evergreen trees, deciduous trees, deciduous shrubs as well as herbaceous ground covers. Fact sheets are also available on specific plants such as arborvitae, birch, juniper, maple, rhododendron and viburnum.
Indiana's Big Tree Register, 2000 Edition (Indiana Department of Natural Resources) http://www.in.gov/dnr/forestry/pdfs/bigtree.pdf This 20-page publication from the DNR Division of Forestry provides information on Indiana's largest trees.
In addition to the Purdue publications site, consult the following:
Comprehensive Websites
P.L.A.N.T. (Purdue Landscape and Nursery Thesaurus) http://www.hort.purdue.edu/hort/ext/plant/ Many links are found here related to landscape maintenance from Extension publications from Purdue and other states (as well as other websites) in these categories: Computer Software, Construction Damage to Trees and Landscape Plants, Disease Problems, Environmental Disorders and Site Problems, Fertilizing, Getting Started in the Nursery or Greenhouse Business, Insect Problems, Interesting Links, Irrigation and Water Quality, Landscape Maintenance, Landscaping, Nursery Crop Production, Nursery and Landscape Organizations, Nurseries (wholesale), Plant Material, Propagation, Pruning, Soils and Media, Storm Damage to Trees and Landscape Plants, Transplanting, Weeds and Winter Hardiness.
IPLANT (Illinois Plant, Landscape and Nursery Technology) http://www.extension.uiuc.edu/IPLANT/ IPLANT, Illinois' version of Purdue's PLANT website, includes information in areas such as: plant selection, landscaping, fertilization, propagation and pest management.
Online Publications on Trees and Tree Health (USDA Forest Service) http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/fth_pub.htm This USDA website includes information on forest insect and disease leaflets, pest alerts, how to publications (such as how to prune) and the comprehensive manual, Silvics of North America.
The Illinois Virtual Forest http://ilvirtualforest.nres.uiuc.edu/ A wide variety of links are available in areas such as plant identification, selection and maintenance.
Arboriculture Online (International Society of Arboriculture or ISA) http://www.isa-arbor.com/ Here you can search for "certified" arborists by zip code and find consumer tree care guides and other information.